How can I generate a MakeFile for an OMNeT++ simulation?
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How can I generate a MakeFile for an OMNeT++ simulation?

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Are you tired of manually compiling your OMNeT++ simulation models and dealing with the hassle of dependencies? Look no further! In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of generating a MakeFile for your OMNeT++ simulation, making your life easier and your simulations more efficient.

What is a MakeFile?

A MakeFile is a script that tells the make utility how to compile and build your project. It’s a crucial file in OMNeT++ simulations, as it automates the compilation process and resolves dependencies between modules. Think of it as a recipe for your simulation model, outlining the steps necessary to turn your code into a functional simulation.

Why do I need a MakeFile?

Without a MakeFile, you’d have to manually compile each module of your simulation model, which can be tedious and error-prone. With a MakeFile, you can:

  • Save time by automating the compilation process
  • Ensure consistency and reproducibility in your simulations
  • Easily manage dependencies between modules
  • Faster debugging and error detection

Generating a MakeFile for OMNeT++

OMNeT++ provides a convenient tool to generate a MakeFile for your simulation model. Here’s a step-by-step guide to get you started:

Step 1: Create a new OMNeT++ project

Launch OMNeT++ and create a new project by going to File > New Project. Choose a location for your project and give it a name. For this example, we’ll call it “MySimulation”.

Step 2: Configure your project settings

In the Project window, navigate to the Project tab and select the Configure button next to the Makefile generation option.

In the Makefile Generation window, select the following options:

  • Generate Makefile: Enabled
  • Makefile name: Leave as default (Makefile)
  • Directory: Leave as default (project directory)

Step 3: Define your simulation modules

In the Project window, navigate to the Modules tab and add your simulation modules. For this example, let’s add two modules:

  • MyModule1: A simple module with a single C++ file (
  • MyModule2: A module with multiple C++ files (,

Make sure to add the necessary include paths and dependencies for each module.

Step 4: Generate the MakeFile

Click the Generate Makefile button in the Project window. OMNeT++ will create a MakeFile in your project directory based on your project settings and module definitions.

Understanding the generated MakeFile

The generated MakeFile contains a set of rules and dependencies that tell the make utility how to compile and build your simulation model. Let’s break it down:

# OMNeT++ Makefile generated by opp_makemake

# Include paths and libraries
LIBS = -L$(OMNETPP_LIB_DIR) -lomnetpp

# Module dependencies
    $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCL) -o $@ $<

    $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCL) -o $@ $<

# Simulation target
all: MyModule1 MyModule2
    $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCL) -o my_simulation $^

In this example, the MakeFile includes:

  • INCL: Include paths and libraries for OMNeT++
  • LIBS: Library paths and dependencies
  • MyModule1 and MyModule2: Rules for compiling and building individual modules
  • all: The simulation target, which depends on both modules and links them together

Tips and Tricks

Here are some additional tips to help you get the most out of your MakeFile:

  • Make clean: Use this command to remove all compiled files and start from scratch.
  • Make -jN: Compile your simulation in parallel using N threads (e.g., Make -j4 for 4 threads).
  • Make verbose: Enable verbose output to see the compilation process in detail.
  • Customize your MakeFile: Edit the generated MakeFile to add custom rules, dependencies, or compiler flags.


Generating a MakeFile for your OMNeT++ simulation is a crucial step in automating the compilation process and managing dependencies between modules. By following these steps and understanding the generated MakeFile, you'll be able to create efficient and reproducible simulations. Remember to customize your MakeFile to fit your specific needs and don't hesitate to reach out if you encounter any issues.

OMNeT++ Version MakeFile Generation
OMNeT++ 5.x opp_makemake
OMNeT++ 6.x omnetpp_makemake

Note: The MakeFile generation tool has changed between OMNeT++ 5.x and 6.x. Make sure to use the correct tool for your OMNeT++ version.

Further Reading

For more information on OMNeT++ and MakeFiles, check out the following resources:

Happy simulating!

Here are the 5 Q&As about generating a MakeFile for an OMNeT++ simulation:

Frequently Asked Question

OMNeT++ simulations can be a bit tricky, but don't worry, we've got you covered! Here are some answers to your burning questions about generating a MakeFile for an OMNeT++ simulation.

What is a MakeFile and why do I need it for my OMNeT++ simulation?

A MakeFile is a script that tells the compiler how to build your OMNeT++ simulation project. You need it to automate the compilation process, so you can focus on modeling and simulating your network instead of wrestling with compiler flags and dependencies!

How do I generate a MakeFile for my OMNeT++ simulation?

Easy peasy! Simply navigate to your project directory in the terminal and type `opp_makemake` (or `opp_makemake -f` if you're using an older version of OMNeT++). This command will generate a MakeFile tailored to your project's needs. Voilà!

What are the essential settings I should include in my MakeFile?

Good question! You should specify the OMNeT++ version, the simulation libraries you're using (e.g., inet, Tkenv), and any additional dependencies required by your project. Don't forget to include the `MODELS_DIR` and `RESULTS_DIR` variables to tell OMNeT++ where to find your models and store the simulation results!

Can I customize my MakeFile to suit my project's specific needs?

Absolutely! You can modify the MakeFile to add custom compiler flags, include additional libraries, or even create custom simulation scenarios. Just be careful not to break anything – make sure to test your changes thoroughly to avoid compilation errors or unexpected simulation behavior!

What if I'm using an IDE like Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA – do I still need a MakeFile?

While IDEs like Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA can manage your project's build process, it's still a good idea to have a MakeFile as a backup plan. Plus, a MakeFile can be useful for command-line builds or when collaborating with team members who prefer different development environments!

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