Can’t We Use `getElementsByClassName(“root”)` in React.js?
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Can’t We Use `getElementsByClassName(“root”)` in React.js?

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As a React developer, you might have wondered why you can’t use the `getElementsByClassName(“root”)` method to access and manipulate DOM elements in your React application. In this article, we’ll dive into the reasons behind this limitation and explore alternative solutions to achieve your desired outcome.

The Problem with `getElementsByClassName(“root”)` in React

When you use `getElementsByClassName(“root”)` in a React application, you might expect it to return an array of elements with the class `root`. However, this method is part of the Web API, which React abstracts away to provide a more efficient and optimized way of managing the DOM.

React uses a virtual DOM (a lightweight in-memory representation of the real DOM) to improve performance and reduce the number of DOM mutations. This means that when you use `getElementsByClassName(“root”)`, you’re attempting to access the real DOM, which is not what React expects.

Why Does React Need to Abstract the DOM?

React abstracts the DOM to:

  • Improve performance by reducing the number of DOM mutations
  • Provide a predictable and consistent API for developers
  • Enable efficient re-renders and updates of the virtual DOM

By abstracting the DOM, React can optimize the rendering process and ensure that the virtual DOM is always in sync with the real DOM.

Alternative Solutions

So, how can you access and manipulate DOM elements in React? Here are some alternative solutions:

Using React Refs

One way to access DOM elements in React is by using React Refs. Refs allow you to create a reference to a DOM node or a React component instance.

import React, { createRef } from 'react';

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.rootRef = createRef();

  render() {
    return (
      <div className="root" ref={this.rootRef}>
        {/* content */}

  componentDidMount() {
    const rootElement = this.rootRef.current;
    // do something with the rootElement

In this example, we create a ref using `createRef()` and assign it to the `rootRef` property. Then, we pass the ref to the `ref` prop of the `div` element with the class `root`. Finally, we can access the DOM element in the `componentDidMount` lifecycle method using `this.rootRef.current`.

Using React.findDOMNode()

Another way to access DOM elements is by using `React.findDOMNode()`. This method takes a React component instance as an argument and returns the corresponding DOM node.

import React from 'react';

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <div className="root">
        {/* content */}

  componentDidMount() {
    const rootElement = React.findDOMNode(this);
    // do something with the rootElement

In this example, we use `React.findDOMNode()` to get the DOM node of the React component instance. Note that this method is deprecated in React 17 and will be removed in future versions.

Using Libraries like DOMPurify

If you need to access and manipulate DOM elements outside of React’s abstraction layer, you can use libraries like DOMPurify. DOMPurify provides a safe way to parse and clean up HTML content, allowing you to access and manipulate DOM elements.

import DOMPurify from 'dompurify';

const rootElement = document.getElementsByClassName('root')[0];
const purifiedHtml = DOMPurify.sanitize(rootElement.innerHTML);
// do something with the purifiedHtml

In this example, we use DOMPurify to sanitize the HTML content of the element with the class `root`. This can be useful when working with untrusted HTML content or when you need to perform complex DOM manipulation.

Best Practices

When working with DOM elements in React, it’s essential to follow best practices to avoid common pitfalls:

  1. Avoid using `getElementsByClassName()` and other Web API methods: Instead, use React Refs, `React.findDOMNode()`, or libraries like DOMPurify to access and manipulate DOM elements.
  2. Keep your DOM manipulation within React’s abstraction layer: React provides a robust and optimized way of managing the DOM. Try to keep your DOM manipulation within React’s abstraction layer to ensure predictable and efficient behavior.
  3. Use React’s lifecycle methods wisely: Use React’s lifecycle methods (e.g., `componentDidMount()`, `componentDidUpdate()`) to perform DOM manipulation and updates.
  4. Keep your components isolated and reusable: Design your components to be isolated and reusable, making it easier to manage and update your application.
Method Description Recommended
`getElementsByClassName(“root”)` Accesses DOM elements using the Web API
React Refs Creates a reference to a DOM node or React component instance ✔️
`React.findDOMNode()` Returns the corresponding DOM node of a React component instance ✔️ (but deprecated in React 17)
DOMPurify Provides a safe way to parse and clean up HTML content ✔️ (for specific use cases)


In conclusion, while you can’t use `getElementsByClassName(“root”)` in React.js, there are alternative solutions that provide a more efficient and optimized way of managing the DOM. By using React Refs, `React.findDOMNode()`, and libraries like DOMPurify, you can access and manipulate DOM elements in a way that’s compatible with React’s abstraction layer.

Remember to follow best practices and keep your DOM manipulation within React’s abstraction layer to ensure predictable and efficient behavior. By doing so, you’ll be able to build fast, scalable, and maintainable React applications that provide an exceptional user experience.

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Can’t we use getElementsByClassName(‘root’) in react.js”:

Frequently Asked Question

Curious about React.js and how it interacts with Vanilla JavaScript? Let’s dive in!

Why can’t I use getElementsByClassName(‘root’) in React.js?

React.js uses a Virtual DOM, which is a lightweight in-memory representation of your application’s UI. When you use getElementsByClassName, you’re interacting with the real DOM, not the Virtual DOM. This can lead to unexpected behavior and performance issues. Instead, use React’s own methods, like useRef or useState, to interact with your components.

But I’ve seen people using getElementsByClassName in React tutorials. What’s the deal?

You’re right! Some tutorials might use getElementsByClassName for simplicity or illustration purposes. However, in a real-world React application, it’s not recommended. React’s ecosystem is designed to work with its own abstractions, and using getElementsByClassName can lead to conflicts and maintenance headaches.

Is there a React-specific alternative to getElementsByClassName?

Yes! You can use React’s `Document.querySelectorAll()` or `Document.getElementsByClassName()` from the `react-dom` package. These methods return a NodeList or HTMLCollection, which you can then iterate over to find the elements you need. Alternatively, use React Hooks like `useRef` or `useState` to target specific elements within your component tree.

What’s the difference between getElementsByClassName and querySelectorAll?

Both methods return a collection of elements, but they differ in their syntax and functionality. `getElementsByClassName()` returns an HTMLCollection, which is an array-like object that contains elements with the specified class name. `querySelectorAll()`, on the other hand, returns a NodeList, which is a collection of elements that match the specified CSS selector. The latter is more versatile and powerful, as it allows you to specify complex selectors.

Can I use getElementsByClassName in a React functional component?

Technically, yes, but it’s still not recommended. In a React functional component, you should focus on using React Hooks and built-in methods to manipulate your component’s state and DOM. Using getElementsByClassName can lead to side effects, make your code harder to maintain, and interfere with React’s reconciliation process. Instead, use React’s own abstractions to keep your code clean, efficient, and scalable.

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