Remove Altitude “Outliers” from a GPS Track: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Remove Altitude “Outliers” from a GPS Track: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of dealing with inaccurate altitude data in your GPS tracks? Do you want to clean up your GPS data and remove those pesky “outliers” that are ruining your climb and descent profiles? Look no further! In this article, we’ll take you through a comprehensive guide on how to remove altitude “outliers” from a GPS track using various methods and tools.

What are Altitude “Outliers”?

Altitude “outliers” refer to unusual or anomalous data points in a GPS track that deviate significantly from the surrounding data. These outliers can be caused by various factors, including:

  • GPS satellite signal interference
  • Atmospheric conditions
  • Instrumental errors
  • Data corruption

These outliers can lead to inaccurate altitude profiles, making it difficult to analyze and interpret the data. By removing them, you can ensure that your GPS data is clean, accurate, and reliable.

Method 1: Manual Review and Editing

This method involves manually reviewing the GPS track data and editing out the outliers. This can be a time-consuming process, but it’s effective for small datasets.

Step 1: Import GPS Data

Start by importing your GPS data into a spreadsheet or a GPS data analysis software like Golden Cheetah or GPSBabel.

sample.gpx (sample GPS data file)

Step 2: Identify Outliers

Review the altitude data and identify the outliers by looking for unusual spikes or dips in the data. You can use visualization tools like charts or graphs to help you identify the outliers.

altitude_data.csv (sample altitude data)

Step 3: Remove Outliers

Remove the identified outliers from the dataset by deleting the corresponding rows or editing the altitude values to a more reasonable value.

edited_altitude_data.csv (sample edited altitude data)

Method 2: Statistical Filtering

This method involves using statistical techniques to identify and remove outliers. This method is more efficient than manual review and editing, but it requires some statistical knowledge.

Step 1: Calculate Moving Average

Calculate the moving average of the altitude data to smooth out the noise. You can use a rolling window of 10-20 data points.

avg_altitude = (sum(altitude[i-10:i+10])) / 20

Step 2: Identify Outliers using Standard Deviation

Calculate the standard deviation of the altitude data and identify the outliers as data points that are more than 2-3 standard deviations away from the mean.

std_dev = sqrt(sum((altitude - avg_altitude)^2) / (n - 1))
outliers = altitude[abs(altitude - avg_altitude) > 2 \* std_dev]

Step 3: Remove Outliers

Remove the identified outliers from the dataset by setting their values to NaN (Not a Number) or a more reasonable value.

clean_altitude_data = altitude[not (abs(altitude - avg_altitude) > 2 \* std_dev)]

Method 3: Using GPS Data Analysis Software

This method involves using specialized GPS data analysis software that can automatically detect and remove outliers. Some popular software includes:

  • GPSBabel
  • Golden Cheetah
  • GPS Track Editor

These software often have built-in filters and algorithms that can detect and remove outliers with a single click.

Method 4: Using Machine Learning Algorithms

This method involves using machine learning algorithms to detect and remove outliers. This method is more advanced and requires some programming knowledge.

Step 1: Preprocess Data

Preprocess the GPS data by converting it into a suitable format for machine learning algorithms.

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('altitude_data.csv')

Step 2: Train Machine Learning Model

Train a machine learning model, such as a Random Forest or a Neural Network, to detect outliers in the altitude data.

from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
rf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100)'altitude', axis=1), df['altitude'])

Step 3: Identify Outliers

Use the trained model to identify the outliers in the altitude data.

outliers = rf.predict(df.drop('altitude', axis=1))

Step 4: Remove Outliers

Remove the identified outliers from the dataset by setting their values to NaN (Not a Number) or a more reasonable value.

clean_altitude_data = df[~outliers]


Removing altitude “outliers” from a GPS track is a crucial step in ensuring the accuracy and reliability of GPS data. By using one or a combination of the methods outlined in this article, you can clean up your GPS data and get a more accurate picture of your climbing and descending profiles.

Method Advantages Disadvantages
Manual Review and Editing Easy to implement, flexible Time-consuming, prone to human error
Statistical Filtering Faster than manual review, objective Requires statistical knowledge, may not detect all outliers
GPS Data Analysis Software Easy to use, fast, and efficient May not detect all outliers, limited customization
Machine Learning Algorithms Highly accurate, can detect complex patterns Requires programming knowledge, computationally intensive

Remember to always review and verify the results of any method to ensure that the cleaned data is accurate and reliable.


  1. What is the best method for removing altitude outliers? The best method depends on the size and complexity of the dataset, as well as the user’s level of expertise.
  2. Can I use a combination of methods? Yes, you can use a combination of methods to achieve the best results.
  3. How do I prevent altitude outliers from occurring in the first place? Regularly calibrate your GPS device, use high-quality GPS devices, and avoid recording data in areas with high signal interference.

By following the instructions and methods outlined in this article, you’ll be able to remove altitude “outliers” from your GPS track and get a more accurate picture of your climbing and descending profiles.

Note: The examples and code snippets provided in this article are for illustrative purposes only and may require modification to work with specific datasets and software.

Frequently Asked Question

Remove altitude “outliers” from a GPS track? We’ve got you covered! Here are the most frequently asked questions about removing altitude outliers from a GPS track:

What are altitude outliers in a GPS track?

Altitude outliers in a GPS track refer to inaccurate or anomalous elevation data points that deviate significantly from the overall trend of the track. These outliers can be caused by various factors such as satellite signal interference, multipath effects, or poor satellite geometry.

Why remove altitude outliers from a GPS track?

Removing altitude outliers is essential to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the GPS track. Outliers can lead to incorrect analysis, interpretation, and visualization of the track data, which can have significant consequences in applications such as aviation, navigation, and geography.

How can I identify altitude outliers in a GPS track?

You can identify altitude outliers by visualizing the GPS track on a 2D or 3D map, or by analyzing the track data using statistical methods such as scatter plots, histograms, and density plots. Additionally, you can use algorithms such as the Z-score method, Modified Z-score method, or the Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN) algorithm to detect outliers.

What methods can I use to remove altitude outliers from a GPS track?

There are several methods to remove altitude outliers from a GPS track, including filtering, interpolation, smoothing, and regression analysis. You can also use machine learning algorithms such as K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) or Support Vector Machines (SVM) to identify and remove outliers.

What tools or software can I use to remove altitude outliers from a GPS track?

There are several tools and software available to remove altitude outliers from a GPS track, including GPSBabel, GPS Track Editor, Python libraries such as PyGPS and gpxpy, and R packages such as gps and traj.

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