The Agonizing Error: ValueError: The filepath provided must end in `.keras` (Keras model format). Received: filepath=model/keypoint_classifier/keypoint_classifier.hdf5
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The Agonizing Error: ValueError: The filepath provided must end in `.keras` (Keras model format). Received: filepath=model/keypoint_classifier/keypoint_classifier.hdf5

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Are you tired of encountering the frustrating ValueError when trying to load a Keras model? Do you find yourself scratching your head, wondering what’s going on with that pesky filepath? Fear not, dear reader, for we’ve got you covered!

What’s the Big Deal About Filepaths?

When working with Keras models, it’s crucial to understand the importance of filepaths. A filepath is the path to your model file, and it’s essential to get it right to avoid errors. In this case, the error message is telling us that the filepath provided doesn’t end in `.keras`, which is the expected format for Keras models.

So, What’s Wrong with .hdf5?

You might be wondering, “But I’ve been using `.hdf5` files just fine!” And you’re not alone! `.hdf5` is a popular file format for storing neural network models, and it’s indeed compatible with Keras. However, the issue here is that Keras expects a `.keras` file format specifically.

Think of it like this: `.hdf5` is like a generic container for storing models, while `.keras` is a specific format that Keras understands. When you save a model in `.hdf5` format, it’s not inherently compatible with Keras, even if it contains a Keras model.

Solution Time!

Now that we’ve established the problem, let’s dive into the solution! To fix this error, you need to ensure that your filepath ends in `.keras`. Here are the steps to follow:

Step 1: Save Your Model in .keras Format

When saving your Keras model, make sure to specify the `.keras` file format. You can do this using the `save` method:'model/keypoint_classifier/keypoint_classifier.keras')

Notice the `.keras` extension at the end of the filepath. This tells Keras to save the model in the correct format.

Step 2: Load the Model with the Correct Filepath

Once you’ve saved your model in `.keras` format, you can load it using the `load_model` function:

from keras.models import load_model

model = load_model('model/keypoint_classifier/keypoint_classifier.keras')

Make sure to provide the correct filepath, including the `.keras` extension, to avoid any errors.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you’re still encountering issues, here are some additional troubleshooting tips to help you out:

  • Check your filepath:** Ensure that the filepath you’re providing is correct and points to the exact location of your model file.
  • Verify the file format:** Double-check that your model file has a `.keras` extension and not `.hdf5` or any other format.
  • Model compatibility:** If you’re using an older version of Keras, it might not support the `.keras` file format. Try upgrading to the latest version or using a compatible format.
  • File permissions:** Ensure that you have the necessary permissions to read and write to the directory where your model file is located.

Common Scenarios and Solutions

We’ve all been there – stuck in a situation where we’re not sure what’s going on. Here are some common scenarios and their solutions:

Scenario Solution
I’m using an older version of Keras, and it doesn’t support .keras format. Upgrade to the latest version of Keras or use a compatible file format like .h5.
I’ve saved my model in .hdf5 format, and I don’t want to resave it in .keras format. Use the load_model function with the compile=True argument to load the model in .hdf5 format.
I’m getting a different error message when trying to load my model. Check the Keras documentation for error handling and troubleshooting tips specific to your error message.


In conclusion, the ValueError “The filepath provided must end in `.keras`” is a common error that can be easily fixed by ensuring your filepath ends in `.keras` and following the correct steps to save and load your Keras model. By understanding the importance of filepaths and formatting, you’ll be well on your way to building and deploying accurate and efficient machine learning models with Keras.

Remember, practice makes perfect, and with these tips and solutions, you’ll be troubleshooting like a pro in no time!

Got a Question or Need Further Assistance?

If you’re still stuck or have a question about Keras models or filepaths, feel free to ask in the comments below! We’re here to help and provide guidance to get you back on track.

Happy coding, and may the errors be ever in your favor!

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to the most frequently asked questions about the “ValueError: The filepath provided must end in `.keras` (Keras model format). Received: filepath=model/keypoint_classifier/keypoint_classifier.hdf5” error.

What is causing the “ValueError: The filepath provided must end in `.keras`” error?

This error occurs when you try to load a Keras model using a filepath that doesn’t end with the `.keras` extension, which is the default format for Keras models. In this case, the filepath provided ends with `.hdf5`, which is not a valid Keras model format.

Can I use the `.hdf5` file to load the Keras model?

No, you cannot use the `.hdf5` file to load a Keras model directly. The `.hdf5` file is a HDF5 format file, which is a binary data format, not a Keras model format. You need to save the Keras model in the `.keras` format or use a different loading method.

How can I save a Keras model in the `.keras` format?

You can save a Keras model in the `.keras` format using the `` method and specifying the filepath with the `.keras` extension. For example, `‘model/keypoint_classifier/keypoint_classifier.keras’)`.

What is the difference between `.hdf5` and `.keras` files?

`.hdf5` files are generic HDF5 format files that can store any type of data, while `.keras` files are specific to Keras models and contain the model architecture, weights, and other metadata. `.keras` files are a human-readable format, whereas `.hdf5` files are binary.

Can I convert a `.hdf5` file to a `.keras` file?

No, you cannot directly convert a `.hdf5` file to a `.keras` file. However, you can load the model from the `.hdf5` file using the `load_model()` method and then save it in the `.keras` format using the `` method.

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