Mysql Left Join with Latest One Record Only from Right Table without Turning off Strict Mode
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Mysql Left Join with Latest One Record Only from Right Table without Turning off Strict Mode

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Are you struggling to fetch the latest record from the right table while performing a left join in MySQL without turning off the strict mode? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore the best approaches to achieve this feat, ensuring you get the desired results without compromising on MySQL’s strict mode.

Why Do We Need to Use Left Join?

In MySQL, a left join is used to combine rows from two or more tables where the join condition is met. This type of join returns all records from the left table and the matching records from the right table. If there’s no match, the result set will contain null values for the right table columns.

Here’s a simple example to illustrate this:

FROM customers
LEFT JOIN orders
ON customers.customer_id = orders.customer_id;

In this example, we’re joining the customers table with the orders table based on the customer_id. The result set will include all customers, even if they don’t have any matching orders.

The Challenge: Fetching the Latest Record from the Right Table

Now, imagine you want to fetch the latest order for each customer. You might think of using a subquery or a correlated query to achieve this, but there’s a more efficient way to do it using a combination of window functions and left join.

Window Functions to the Rescue!

MySQL 8.0 introduced window functions, which enable us to perform calculations across sets of table rows that are somehow related to the current row. One such function is the ROW_NUMBER() function, which assigns a unique number to each row within a result set.

Let’s create a sample dataset to demonstrate this:

customer_id order_id order_date
1 1 2020-01-01
1 2 2020-01-15
1 3 2020-02-01
2 4 2020-03-01
2 5 2020-04-01

In this example, we have two customers with multiple orders each. We want to fetch the latest order for each customer.

WITH latest_orders AS (
  SELECT order_id, customer_id, order_date,
         ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY customer_id ORDER BY order_date DESC) AS row_num
  FROM orders
FROM customers
LEFT JOIN latest_orders
ON customers.customer_id = latest_orders.customer_id
AND latest_orders.row_num = 1;

In this query, we’re using a common table expression (CTE) to create a derived table called latest_orders. We’re partitioning the orders by customer_id and ordering them by order_date in descending order (newest first). The ROW_NUMBER() function assigns a unique number to each row within each partition.

Then, we’re performing a left join between the customers table and the latest_orders CTE, filtering only the rows with row_num = 1, which corresponds to the latest order for each customer.

Benefits of This Approach

Using this approach, you can:

  • Avoid correlated subqueries, which can be expensive and slow.
  • Take advantage of window functions, which are more efficient and flexible.
  • Keep the strict mode enabled, ensuring better query performance and preventing unexpected results.
  • Easily adapt this approach to more complex join scenarios.


In this article, we’ve demonstrated a efficient way to perform a left join with the latest one record only from the right table without turning off the strict mode in MySQL. By leveraging window functions and common table expressions, you can simplify your queries and improve performance.

Remember to always test and optimize your queries to ensure the best possible results. With practice and patience, you’ll become a master of MySQL querying!

Bonus Tip: Handling Ties

In the event of ties (i.e., multiple orders with the same latest date), you can use the ROW_NUMBER() function with additional columns to break the tie. For example:

WITH latest_orders AS (
  SELECT order_id, customer_id, order_date,
         ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY customer_id ORDER BY order_date DESC, order_id DESC) AS row_num
  FROM orders
FROM customers
LEFT JOIN latest_orders
ON customers.customer_id = latest_orders.customer_id
AND latest_orders.row_num = 1;

In this revised query, we’re adding the order_id column to the ORDER BY clause in the ROW_NUMBER() function. This ensures that in case of ties, the query will return the order with the highest order_id.

Haven’t you learned something new today? Share your thoughts and questions in the comments below!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to tame the mighty MySQL Left Join beast and uncover the secrets of fetching the latest record from the right table without turning off strict mode!

What is the main challenge when using MySQL Left Join with the latest record from the right table?

The main challenge is that MySQL’s default behavior is to return all matching records from the right table, making it difficult to fetch only the latest record. Turning off strict mode is not an option, as it can lead to performance issues and data inconsistencies.

How can I modify the Left Join query to fetch only the latest record from the right table?

One approach is to use a subquery to get the maximum ID or timestamp from the right table, and then join it with the main query. For example: `SELECT * FROM left_table LT LEFT JOIN right_table RT ON = AND = (SELECT MAX(id) FROM right_table WHERE id =`. This will return only the latest record from the right table for each matching record in the left table.

What if I have multiple columns to join on? How can I modify the subquery to accommodate this?

When joining on multiple columns, you can modify the subquery to use a composite key. For example: `SELECT * FROM left_table LT LEFT JOIN right_table RT ON = AND LT.code = RT.code AND (, RT.code) = (SELECT MAX(id), MAX(code) FROM right_table WHERE id = AND code = LT.code)`. This will ensure that you get the latest record from the right table based on both the `id` and `code` columns.

Will using a subquery affect the performance of my query?

Using a subquery can impact performance, especially for large datasets. To minimize the impact, make sure to optimize your subquery by adding relevant indexes to the columns used in the join and subquery conditions. Additionally, consider rewriting the query using window functions, such as `ROW_NUMBER()` or `RANK()`, which can be more efficient in certain scenarios.

Are there any alternative approaches to using a subquery for this scenario?

Yes, you can use window functions, such as `ROW_NUMBER()` or `RANK()`, to assign a ranking to each record in the right table and then join it with the main query. For example: `SELECT * FROM left_table LT LEFT JOIN (SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY id ORDER BY created_at DESC) AS rn FROM right_table) RT ON = AND RT.rn = 1`. This approach can be more efficient and flexible than using a subquery.