Debugging the Elusive Error: Undefined username and password from config/config.js
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Debugging the Elusive Error: Undefined username and password from config/config.js

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In the world of GitHub workflows and Sequelize configurations, errors can be as mysterious as a cryptic message from a secret society. One such enigma is the “Undefined username and password from config/config.js” error, which seems to defy logic and reason. Fear not, dear developer, for we’re about to embark on a thrilling adventure to unravel the mystery and banish this error to the depths of coding hell.

The Setup: A GitHub Workflow with Sequelize Config

Before we dive into the error, let’s set the stage. You have a GitHub repository containing a Node.js project that utilizes Sequelize, a popular ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) tool. Within this repository, you’ve configured a `.github/workflows/deploy.yml` file to automate the deployment process. This file contains secrets stored in the GitHub repository, which are used to connect to your database.

The Error: Undefined username and password from config/config.js

However, when you run the GitHub workflow, you’re greeted with a perplexing error message:

undefined username and password from config/config.js
sequelize config is retrieving from GitHub repo secrets

This error suggests that Sequelize is unable to retrieve the database credentials from the `config/config.js` file, despite the secrets being stored in the GitHub repository.

Investigating the Error

To tackle this error, we need to understand the flow of data between the GitHub workflow, ServletException, and the `config/config.js` file.

Component Description
GitHub Workflow Runs the deployment process, using secrets stored in the GitHub repository.
Sequelize ORM tool that interacts with the database, using credentials from the `config/config.js` file.
config/config.js File containing the database credentials, which are supposed to be retrieved from the GitHub repository secrets.

Hypothesis: The Error is in the Secrets

Given the error message, our first hypothesis is that the issue lies in the way the secrets are stored and retrieved. Let’s examine the `.github/workflows/deploy.yml` file and the `config/config.js` file.

# .github/workflows/deploy.yml
name: Deploy to Production
      - main
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout code
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Set up Node.js
        uses: actions/setup-node@v2
          node-version: '14'
      - name: Install dependencies
        run: npm install
      - name: Set environment variables
          DB_USERNAME: ${{ secrets.DB_USERNAME }}
          DB_PASSWORD: ${{ secrets.DB_PASSWORD }}
          DB_HOST: ${{ secrets.DB_HOST }}
          DB_NAME: ${{ secrets.DB_NAME }}
      - name: Run deployment script
        run: npm run deploy

In the above YAML file, we’re storing the database credentials as secrets in the GitHub repository. These secrets are then used to set environment variables, which are supposed to be accessed by the `config/config.js` file.

// config/config.js
module.exports = {
  development: {
    username: process.env.DB_USERNAME,
    password: process.env.DB_PASSWORD,
    database: process.env.DB_NAME,
    host: process.env.DB_HOST,
    dialect: 'postgresql',

The `config/config.js` file is exporting a configuration object, which uses environment variables to set the database credentials. However, the error message suggests that these environment variables are not being set correctly.

Resolving the Error

Having analyzed the code, we can identify a few potential causes for the error:

  1. Incorrect secret storage: Verify that the secrets are correctly stored in the GitHub repository. Make sure that the secrets are spelled correctly and are in the correct format.
  2. Environment variable not set: Check that the environment variables are being set correctly in the `.github/workflows/deploy.yml` file. Ensure that the variables are spelled correctly and are being passed to the `config/config.js` file.
  3. config/config.js file not being loaded: Verify that the `config/config.js` file is being loaded correctly in the Sequelize configuration. Check that the file is in the correct location and is being imported correctly.

To resolve the error, follow these steps:

  1. Review the `.github/workflows/deploy.yml` file and ensure that the secrets are correctly stored and retrieved.
  2. Verify that the environment variables are being set correctly in the `config/config.js` file.
  3. Check that the `config/config.js` file is being loaded correctly in the Sequelize configuration.
  4. If using a custom Sequelize configuration file, ensure that it is correctly loading the `config/config.js` file.


In conclusion, the “Undefined username and password from config/config.js” error can be a frustrating and mysterious issue. However, by following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to identify and resolve the error. Remember to carefully review your GitHub workflow, Sequelize configuration, and `config/config.js` file to ensure that the secrets are correctly stored and retrieved.

By the power of debugging and deduction, we’ve vanquished the error and restored peace to the land of GitHub workflows and Sequelize configurations. Your database credentials are now safely stored and retrieved, and your deployment process is running smoothly.

If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to ask in the comments below. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the scoop on Undefined username and password from config/config.js but .github/workflows/deploy.yml sequelize config is retrieving from GitHub repo secrets!

Why is my sequelize config in .github/workflows/deploy.yml retrieving credentials from GitHub repo secrets instead of config/config.js?

This is because GitHub Actions will automatically pick up secrets from the repo and make them available as environment variables. Your .github/workflows/deploy.yml file is likely pulling the credentials from the secrets stored in your GitHub repo, rather than the config/config.js file. To fix this, you can update your .github/workflows/deploy.yml file to use the config/config.js file instead.

How do I update my .github/workflows/deploy.yml file to use the config/config.js file?

You’ll need to modify the `sequelize` configuration in your .github/workflows/deploy.yml file to point to the config/config.js file. You can do this by updating the `sequelize` section to include the path to your config/config.js file. For example: `sequelize: npm run sequelize — –config ./config/config.js`. This will tell Sequelize to use the configuration from the config/config.js file instead of the GitHub repo secrets.

Why are my credentials being stored in GitHub repo secrets?

GitHub repo secrets are a secure way to store sensitive information, such as database credentials, that are needed for your workflow. By storing your credentials as secrets, you can keep them out of your codebase and avoid exposing them to unauthorized users. GitHub Actions can then use these secrets to authenticate with your database, without exposing the credentials in your code.

Can I use environment variables instead of GitHub repo secrets?

Yes, you can use environment variables instead of GitHub repo secrets. You can define environment variables in your .github/workflows/deploy.yml file or in your GitHub repository settings. Then, you can update your Sequelize configuration to use these environment variables instead of the GitHub repo secrets. This approach can be more flexible and convenient, but it’s still important to keep your credentials secure and avoid exposing them in your code.

What are the benefits of using GitHub repo secrets instead of environment variables?

Using GitHub repo secrets provides an additional layer of security and convenience compared to environment variables. Secrets are encrypted and stored securely in your GitHub repository, and can be easily managed and rotated as needed. Additionally, GitHub repo secrets can be used across multiple workflows and environments, making it easier to manage your credentials across different contexts.